Monthly Archives: June 2013

Bucket of Tenatcles EP

It wouldn’t be right to have a musical blog without an official release, so here it is, the very first Bucket of Tentacles EP.  The anticipation is all my own, but this is a collection of my favourite pieces over the last year, along with a very limited edition CD cover (limited in that there is only one).


Bucket of Tentacles (17.5 hot minutes)

“My short collection of sounds inspired by, and dedicated to, the underwater world.  Like animals and habitats around the world, constantly under threat of destruction.  The majesty of the ocean and all that is within it should be preserved.  Let the tentacles rule.

All music taken from the Bucket of Tentacles blog, which has, and continues to be, a gradual progression of musical learning and exploration.”

Next steps are …… more piano practice, more composition practice, more mixing practice, and hopefully another EP…..

The Life Side

1. Tentaculus 

2. Batoidea

3. Perseus

4. Interlude

The Death Side

5. Big Mouth No Voice

6. Trecena

7. Last Chance to See