Blog Archives

Photos and (unusually) a landscape painting!

It feels like I haven’t used my camera in a while, but I have been occasionally wandering the streets so here are a few pics.  The last image is my watercolour painting debut!  I’m new to painting and have followed a guide from a book – this was my first effort at “going it alone” and using the techniques I’ve learnt.  I’ve set up a new drawing/painting area on the blog and you can see it HERE.


Marketing genius, this multi-coloured band wandered the streets gathering the drunken masses liked the pied piper and led them straight to the door of Matt and Phreds where they were playing that night.


Their other bike was a Harley I’m sure.


A great shop window display.


The urban jungle looming.

Back Turner

Back Turner Street 

Derwent Water

Watercolour of Derwent Water